At Geotek, our mission is to develop practical and cutting-edge solutions to the issue of water shortage and to offer knowledge that will support groundwater management in sub-Saharan Africa. Water scarcity is a combined concern.
Founded by passionate individuals, our integrated design, which is being created from a research-driven approach, is what makes our solution special.
Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the areas most affected by this issue; there, 1 in 3 residents today experience water scarcity.
Groundwater aquifers, one of the most significant sources of freshwater, have been impacted by the rise in the frequency of drought.

Why Choose Us?
At GeoTek, our mission is to advance the sustainability of water use in sub-Saharan Africa, to encourage ethical groundwater discovery and management, and to support local efforts to build resilience around water to withstand the damaging effects of climate change.
We have developed a tool that will enhance understanding of groundwater and help make better decisions, particularly in a region that is most threatened by water scarcity and freshwater depletion
Meet Our Founders!

Ichor Joshua Keghnen

Okposio Oghenekevwe Emadago
Managing Director/Co-Founder